Road and professional risks

Many workers are lead to use a vehicle on the professional way. It is the case for example of salesperson or delivery men, who have to move frequently as a part of their job. Consequently, they are more exposed to professional roads risks.

risques routiers, sécurité, santé, SSTL

Some numbers

First of all, we need to know that in 2014 in Luxembourg in the industrial sector (according to STATEC’s figures), ride accidents announced by the Association Assurance Accident represent more than 20 % of the total of work accident, that is why it is important to reduce those risks if possible in order to preserve the worker’s health and security.

Which risks can be related ?

Risks on health and security can be varied : workers who travel daily roads are exposed to exhaust gaz which can be harmful for the organism. There is also the noise exposure and musculoskeletal trouble due to drive gesture, or muscular ache which can occur after an inappropriate handling of loads by delivery men for example.

Lastly, workers are obviously exposed to accident risks which can cause physical injuries, brain injuries, traumatism and disability or in other case death.

How can we manage to limit this risks ?

First of all, the employer has to evaluate the risks in order to know which employees are exposed, in which circumstances and what to do for prevent this risks. It is possible for example to give advantage for video conference, audio conference or public transport. Moreover, the employer has to offer appropriate ergonomic training to its employees

Finally, in case if the use of the car cannot be avoid, it is important to manage and to plan the travel, considering the itinerary, the weather or trying to schedule meetings on nearby places in order to limit risky and unnecessary travel. It is also essential to maintain the functioning propelled park in good condition.

SSTL, external prevention service can help the designated workers and the employers to evaluate the risks in your company, don’t hesitate to contact our experts for more information.